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Three Questions for API Change Management

Adam’s latest blog discusses API Change management and how it allows us to create a process or a set of rules that shapes the way the API grows as more endpoints are added and as existing functionality changes. He then discusses the three factors to consider whenever making changes to an API.

Anti-patterns in Microservices (Don’t Do These)

Microservices are a popular approach to software architecture that aim to break up monolithic code into maintainable chunks. These discrete chunks allow for continuous delivery of a service while developing on top of what is in production. That flexibility is exciting in an agile environment, but rushing into deploying your code as a suite of microservices can put you at risk of incorporating anti-patterns that may cause significant problems down the line. In this blog, Adam discusses four common pitfalls as you start building your own microservices. 

What are API Anti-Patterns?

Software design patterns are the solutions used to tackle common software development problems. Design Patterns aren’t strictly required for running code but they are essential to avoiding problems in your code. In this article, Adam takes a look at the other side – anti-patterns – a sneaky but common poor software development technique.