For App Developers

Implementing Microservices

I recently wrote about what microservices were, and why they are becoming so important.  In this discussion, we’ll talk about implementing microservices, as well as touch on APIs and API Management – turns out they are crucial to a microservice architecture. Just a quick note – while you may see microservice and microservice architecture used […]

Designing Culture for Microservices Teams

Don’t underestimate the impact of culture in your architecture Show Notes In the fifth episode of the API Academy’s podcast series, Ronnie Mitra and Mike Amundsen discuss why culture is important for application development. They also explore the challenges around designing and executing a supportive culture for microservices.

Security vs Time to Market – What’s More Important?

If you’re involved with launching new apps, you’ve likely heard of “API Security†– the need to provide a security model that protects the APIs (and corporate and customer data within them) you expose to developers for mobile/cloud/IoT integration.  And yet, some of you will likely point out that applying security to your APIs can […]

API360 Microservices Summit: Microservices Implementation Lessons

This panel discussion from the API Academy’s API360 Microservices Summit in New York, June 2016, shares insights on effective practices for implementing and benefiting from a microservice architecture. The panelists are Erich Ess (, Sangeeta Narayanan (Netflix), Cassandra Shum (Thoughtworks) and Adrian Trenaman (HBC Digital). The moderator is Lou Powell of Vanick Digital.

API360 Microservices Summit: Welcome & Introduction

Matt McLarty’s introductory talk from the API360 Summit in New York, June 2016 compares the field of software engineering to the transportation industry at the start of the 20th century, likening microservices and Docker to the introduction of the automobile and the assembly line, respectively.