For Enterprise Architects

Plan for a Better UX Under Load by Planning for Errors

Plan to scaleWhen planning for scale, every tool out there has individual capacity limits. Many can scale horizontally, and many scale vertically, but ALL of them cost time, money, or both to scale. Unbounded scaling is just not available for free. Even if the products in use attract no licenses fees, there are always costs: […]

How-To: Create a Private Key for Signing JWT ID Tokens

Feel free to jot this down: RFC7519. We all have our favourite IETF standards, don’t we?  Something we read again and again in front of the roaring fireplace with our slippers on. Something to chuckle at in darker times, to ponder over, and oh yes, to shed a tear for, whilst contemplating the sheer brilliance […]

How to Beat Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of security threat in which malicious actors can steal user data and authentication information by gaining access to HTTP Cookies. Cookies are small nuggets of information which are sent in responses from web servers to the browser. The browser stores this information and will include these cookies in […]

How To: Validate Your OAuth Implementation

Is my Layer7 OAuth Toolkit (OTK) installation working? Valid question. Now that you’ve installed OTK on your API Gateway, and have access to OTK-specific policies and assertions in Policy Manager, it’s time to see OAuth in action. The quickest way to do this is through the pre-configured OAuth test clients and OAuth Manager.You can access […]

How To: OTK Solution Kit Installation

This is the second post in the blog series focusing on the OAuth Toolkit (OTK) kit. The first video was a more academic overview of the OAuth protocol and workflow.  This time we take a look at how to install the OTK solution kit, and how the OTK integrates with the API Gateway to provide easy implementation of OAuth security […]

Using Consul as a Source of Truth in Microservices

App Economy and Microservices In today’s app economy, APIs are playing an essential role in helping customers to achieve their digital transformation goals. In this process, enterprises are trying to convert their monolithic applications into more granular and autonomous microservices to support their business objective and also speed to market. Consul as Source of Truth […]

How-To: OAuth Overview

Today we’re going to take a look at the Layer 7 API Management OAuth toolkit or OTK. For most customers, the OTK is not an optional Gateway add-on. It is an essential product used in the API management lifecycle for securing client authorization and authentication. The OTK implements security using a combination of the OAuth […]