For Enterprise Architects

API Design 304: API Design for Microservices

Learn some best practices for designing APIs that will function optimally in microservice architectures Microservice architecture is helping an increasing number of organizations to minimize the time required for software application projects and to maximize the reliability of backend systems. In this lesson, we explain why APIs are essential to microservices and provide some best practices […]

API360 Microservices Summit: Welcome & Introduction

Matt McLarty’s introductory talk from the API360 Summit in New York, June 2016 compares the field of software engineering to the transportation industry at the start of the 20th century, likening microservices and Docker to the introduction of the automobile and the assembly line, respectively.

When Good API Design is a Waste of Time

The idea that good design is essential to building great products and services has become a truism in our industry.  Most of us intuitively understand the idea that expending effort on the design of our code, system architecture and APIs will payoff after implementation.  I’m certainly a big believer in the power of good design […]

InfoQ: REST-y Reader

The API Academy’s Mike Amundsen is regularly asked which books he would recommend for those who want to learn more about designing, implementing and maintaining Web APIs. In this article, Mike offers a shortlist of books he discovered as he was learning about APIs â€“ many of which are still among the books he consults most regularly.